Uncovered: From $0 To $10M In 3 Years (I Did It)

Your Ultimate 8-Figure Guide

The Last Business Book You'll Ever Need

Imagine this: a GUIDE that tells you exactly what to work on, each step of the way, to scale your business fast up to 8-figures.

So that you ALWAYS spend invest your time on the most important thing you could be doing. That's how you promptly reach the 8-figure level.

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SIMPLE MATH: 100% of 8-figure business owners spend most of their time on $10,000/hour activities. What are yours?

Here’s the problem – If you don’t know what your MOST VALUABLE activities are, how can you possibly organize your schedule?

Time management is NOT about tricks, tips, morning routines, or how to organize your desk. At its core, real time management is: WHAT to work on, to grow your business... fast. That’s it.

In this book, you’ll find out EXACTLY what activity to spend your time on that moves the needle the most, regarding your business’ growth stage, from scratch to 8-figure. All the work has been DONE FOR YOU!

Discover and clone the EXCLUSIVE secrets of 8-figure entrepreneurs, and let the people around you wonder how you always have time for your family and golfing, while still growing a gigantic business.

This is a Game Changer!

"To this day, when I talk about TIME MANAGEMENT to people, we’re almost never on the same page. As soon as I mention these words, people start talking about routines, habits, tricks, tips, and hacks.

To highlight my point, go on AMAZON and  search for books about time management.

What did you find? Books about  procrastination, productivity,  80/20, work-smarter-not-harder, and so on …

What about time management blogs or articles on social media? Same regurgitated material, albeit furnished with a zany title:  The Best Morning Routines; Organize Your Desk Like Elon Musk; Multi-zillionaire’s  Top 20 Tips for Creating Time;  How Finding my Inner Zen Gave me More Time;  How Eating Avocados Helped me Work Smarter...

The kind of information saturating the digital domain  is all concerned  with the TRIVIAL aspect of time management, but it’s rarely, if ever, about the ESSENTIALS.

Time management is: WHAT  TO SPEND  YOUR TIME ON.  Period."

- David Vasilijevic

Time Investor

You'll LOVE Your Mondays

What you’ll discover in this book is something nobody ever told you before. This material doesn’t exist anywhere else. 

I know it because I’ve been looking for it for 25 years… but to no avail.

So I’ve created it. 

I wrote it for my fellow business owners who never had the privilege to have hundreds of meaningful conversations with dozens of 7-, 8- and 9-figure business owners.

I wrote it for the younger version of myself, the one always wondering what the most important thing he could work on was. I included EVERYTHING I wish I knew back then.

What's Entrepreneur's Biggest Problem?

Is it about managing their cash flow?

Defining their marketing strategy?

Hiring great employees?

Finding customers?

These subjects matter, but there’s something more important.

Business owners’ biggest problem lies in the way they manage their time. Before doing things right, you have to do the rights things.

The Ugly Truth About Time Management

I guess you've heard or read this kind of advice:

"Work on your high-value activities!"

“10x your productivity!”

"Give up low-value activities!"

“Work on value-generating activities!”

>>>> OK, thank you very much… but HOW??

What EXACTLY are these activities?

The reality is: nobody knows! Nobody has ever written an exhaustive book on the topic. Business owners don’t know exactly what to work on.

Time management has never been taught the right way to business owners, which is: what to work on regarding their businesses’ growth stage.

Now consider this:

Overwhelm is a feeling 99% of business owners constantly have. Actually, 99.6% to be accurate (those who don’t run an 8-figure business).

But feeling overwhelmed is not the result of having too many things to do, but rather NOT KNOWING what to do next.

And this is precisely what needs to be fixed.

This is what pushed me to write The 400-Hour Workweek.

To Build an 8-figure company is not t-h-a-t hard… when you know what you are doing. 

Follow The 400-Hour Workweek FRAMEWORK, and don’t guess anymore

what to work on to bring your business to the next level.

Come Play The Big Game...With Grown-Ups:

  • TRANSFORM Yourself + Your Business Like Never Before

  • Know Exactly What To Work On

  • Spend Time Only With Important People

  • Have More Time With Your


  • Be TheMaster Of Your Time, i.e. The Master Of Your LIFE

  • 10X Your Free Time

  • Don't Waste a Minute Of Your Precious Time Anymore

  • Never Feel Overwhelm Again

  • Be 10X More Productive Than What You Thought Was Possible

  • Go Regularly On WE & Vacations

  • Get More Time For YOURSELF

    (For Golfing, Reading, Exercising...)

  • Grow An 8-Figure Business... FAST!

If You Want To Turn Your Schedule 

Into a Goldmine...

This Book Is For You!

You'll learn how to mathematically 10x your business’ cruise speed.

You'll learn in a very CONCRETE fashion a way to outpace your competitors 10x.

You'll learn the exclusive framework to 10x your free time for yourself and your family.

This is WHY it’s called The 400-Hour Workweek: you and the average business owners work the same number of hours

Still, by the time they have worked 40 hours, you’ve just OUTPACED them 10 times by working on the RIGHT activities and piling through what would be, for them, the equivalent of a 400-Hour workweek.

Order your book NOW*, and let the people around wonder how you always have time for your family and for golfing, while growing a gigantic business!

Remember that each day you're not using The 400-Hour Workweek cheatcode, you're wasting 10 days!

Inspired By a Decade Of Close Work With

Dozens Of 8-Figure Business Owners

Here's A Sneak Peek of What's In The Book

Order Your $4.95 Digital Copy...


The "WHAT"


All business owners’ activities ranked in order of importance: an EXHAUSTIVE list so when you sit at your desk, you don’t wonder what to work on anymore. (page VII)


The two CONDITIONS for achieving success that all 8-figure business owners get right from the beginning of their business journey. (page XVI)


What 8-figure business owners always do BEFORE planning their schedules – CLONE their proven habits! (page XXII)


The kind of people that CAN’T physically grow an 8-figure business in this world – How not to be one of them! (page XXVII)


Why motivation is CRAP, and what really counts in the world of high performers. (page XXXI)


How to mathematically OUTPACE your competitors while having more fun than you ever thought possible. (page XXXVI)


Why the pomodoro method is for children, and what’s much better to reach MAXIMUM efficiency. (page 7)


The 5-word TRANSFORMATIONAL sentence that you must keep in mind to change your life forever. (page 8)


How some of my clients didn’t want to sell their businesses anymore once they precisely discovered the $1,000/H and $10,000/H activities which enable them to double, triple or more their companies – these activities are written in black and white in the book! (page 44)


The sure-fire secret to never feel OVERWHELMED again. (page 75)


The law of nature that clearly tells you that your sacrifice is your investment, is your wealth. (page 121)


How to avoid the #1 mistake business owners do that prevent them to get their business to the next stage. (page 122)


Why growth and control HATE each other, and how high achievers handle this issue to drive an 8-figure company. (page 123)


How an ELITE business owner uses Kidlin’s law on a daily basis to manage his 8-figure business portfolio, and how you can do the same. (page 169)


What the most critical stage of the life of your business is, and how to successfully get through – most business owners fail at this critical stage! (page 174)


Why your NOT-TO-DO list is more important than your to-do list – Discover the UNIQUE approach to never spend a second of your precious time on useless tasks. (page 204)


The Rosetta Stone of time management to keep in mind at all times, to choose the right activity to invest your time on. (page 219)


The elixir of LONG LIFE for your business: the philosopher’s stone of time management that shows you how to turn your activities into GOLD, not only in your business but also in your life. (page 220)


The DEFINITIVE equation for success, with an element that most business owners underestimate. (page 224)

The "HOW"


How to apply the Orson Welles method: be the writer, the director and the protagonist of the MOVIE OF YOUR LIFE, to create your own world in which YOU are the hero. (page 13)


High achievers' secret: how exactly to organize your THINKING TIME like the highest achievers, to get optimum results. (page 21)


What business’s CULTURE is made of: 4 elements to create a fanbase of employees and customers. (page 35)


The goal of each and every business is to fulfill a need in the marketplace and, in turn, generate revenue. Right? WRONG. Find out how very high achievers see their businesses, and what they focus on instead. (page 37)


The one thing 8-figure business owners focus on that's above metrics like revenue and profit. (page 38)


The exact character traits employees look for in a leader to give their best. (page 55)


The hire-right-away question you should ask your candidates to spot your future golden employees. (page 58)


The 5-word question you and your employees have to LIVE BY everyday from now on, to reach the 8-figure threshold, whatever your industry or stage of development is. (page 63)


What the most underrated management tool is, and how precisely to use it with your employees for maximum efficiency. (page 68)


The TRIDENT EFFECT: what exactly is HIGH STATUS, and how to start every negotiation with a high status level. (page 82)


The Clint Eastwood rule and the unfair advantage you get in negotiations by using it. (page 83)


The EXCLUSIVE minus 10° strategy to always keep the upper hand in negotiations. Fasten your seat belt, the effect is surprising… and in your favor! (page 87)


The absolute bullet-proof 4-Star tactics to win your high-level negotiations at all times. (page 92)


The ultimate move to build your own network of high achievers and get rid of toxic people – it’s RADICAL but the ROI is huge. (page 144)


The 4 different ways of LEARNING, to stop browsing books, podcasts and courses like a headless chicken. (page 158)


The DOUBLE QUEEN advantage: how to rivet at all times the two different kinds of people your audience is made of. (page 165)


Before growing an 8-figure business, there's the 7-figure milestone: here's the secret #1 to get there, that every millionaire knows – when you’ll learn this, you’ll realize it’s obvious! (page 178)


The secret of EXTREME PRODUCTIVITY and HAPPINESS (it’s actually the same). (page 220)


Virtuoso pianist’s receipt for EXCELLENCE that you can clone as a business owner to master your craft as nobody else. (page 221)


The reason why you should always take the path of MOST resistance for your business to move forward – 100% of the time! It ends up making your life so easier... Welcome to the grown-up world! (page 223)

And Much, Much More...

The beauty is that you can keep WHATEVER you’re currently using to acquire customers, whether it’s YouTube ads, SEO, Email lists, influencer marketing, FB groups, sales funnels, message bots, TikTok ads... Keep using the tactics of your choice!

The 400-Hour Workweek is your FRAMEWORK: it will show you how to handle your tactics the right way, for maximum growth.

That’s what a lot of business owners miss: they find something that works for a while, but they can’t sustain the growth, because they don’t know what to work on next. As a result, they miss the momentum!

The reality is that any tactics can work, and grow your business to the next level… as long as it’s well framed. This book will teach you the FRAME of your business, once and for all. When you know exactly what you should be doing at any given moment, you never miss the GROWTH opportunity.

Amazon Reviews -

"I have never read a book like this. This book was written to be placed either on your desk or on your nightstand."

"Vasilijevic's book is a breath of fresh air that doesn't waste time with vague claims and pandering. There is no scheme here and it's clear Vasilijevic is speaking from experience. He gets straight to the point and is not afraid to be blunt."

THE Book Business

Owners Need

You’ll find ALL business owners' activities ranked in order of importance! Yes: ALL of them. You read it right. It's never been done before.

So you know WHAT to personally work on and WHEN, at every stage of your business’ growth, from scratch to 8-figure.

If you want to know EXACTLY:

- WHAT you have to work on TODAY to grow your business fast, and HOW

- WHAT to delegate, WHEN and HOW

- WHAT to NEVER do... and HOW

Look no further.

The 400-H Workweek book is the very extract of the knowledge and experience of almost a hundred multimillionaire entrepreneurs I've had the privilege to spent 10 years with, when I was an investment banker. 

Now I want to share it with every existing business owner, so they'd know exactly WHAT to work on in their businesses, at any stage, from starting out to earning eight figures in revenue and beyond. 

I teach it in a very concrete, unambiguous fashion. No vague psychobabble here. No tips, tricks, or shortcuts.

It’s about giving you the proven framework that’s been used by every 8-figure business owner out there, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Actually, I’ve written this book with an initial assumption: 

My readers will grow their businesses FAST...

And get their time back.

No need to work 60+ hours a week. You will know the exact activity that moves the needle the most, at any given moment. And work on it.

Then you change – because you are what you do.

Therefore your business changes, because it’s become a bigger and more sharpened tool in your hands.

Finally, the activity that moves the needle the most changes as well, because what brought you here won’t get you there.

So you devote most of your time on something else.

And so on.

The 8-figure road is a maze—in which there are multiple turns at every junctionThis book is your map for navigating your way through that maze.

meet the MAN behind the book -

David Vasilijevic



It's only by following the principles you'll discover in the book that I myself was able to build five 7-figure businesses and one 8-figure company in five different industries. 

Otherwise I would still be struggling with my low 6-figure business. Even better: I showed dozens of my clients how to do the same.

By implementing The 400-H Workweek's framework, they were able to double, triple or more the profitability of their businesses.

Most important: business owners who have implemented these principles went through a TRANSFORMATIONAL process, that allowed them to repeat this mechanism on other businesses.

Besides, when I shared my knowledge with my clients (as an investment banker), some of them didn't want to sell their companies anymore!

They started to work on their $10,000/h activities,  multiplied the value of their businesses, and had the time of their lives!

"So What's The Catch?"

There's no catch, but here are a few reasons why I'm doing this:


The "Other Interests" Reason: I don't make all my money by teaching business owners how to organize their time - At the time of this writing, I own + co-own 2 other companies... So I can afford to HELP my fellow business owners.


The "Capitalist" Reason: By applying The 400-Hour Workweek principles, you're about to get your feet in a brand new world (the 8-figure world ) and never look back... which strengthens my REPUTATION, and brings me more business.


The "Social" Reason: You'll discover in the book the MOTHER of all reasons for which I'm doing that (page 225). Wall Street has taught me a lot of things: I'm sharing with you the good, but also the bad and the ugly that you'll see in the bonus section.

Yes, Your Purchase Also Includes

6 Exclusive Bonuses.

This is exactly what you need to 10x your productivity...

Even if you’ve tried everything else and failed

Beyond Time Management



Here’s how the top 0.4% of business owners (those who make it to 8-figures) manage their time, operate their businesses, and FOCUS on the most important metrics.



Inside The 400-H Work week, you’ll discover with much accuracy how high-performance business owners look at companies – beyond revenue and profit. By scanning my own businesses, I'm showing you concrete examples.


Mind wandering is the evil of our time – the end boss. Stop it today, in less than an hour! Once you get your focus back 100% of your time, it’s like multiplying the hours of your day.



With new technologies, we can do several tasks at a time, or… can we? But we’re told our ATTENTION SPAN has shrunk to 8 seconds, which is less than a goldfish! What’s right? What’s wrong? You’ll know it all.



So many things have been told about procrastination… whereas it’s only the CONSEQUENCE of something much bigger. Treat the underlying cause, and you’ll be well-off for the rest of your life.



Wall Street is simultaneously GLARING and DISGUSTING. Let me guide you through the hearts of the finance world, for better or for worse. You'll learn both as a business owner and as a human being.



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In fact, if you don't love the book — just tell me so in the next 30 days, and I'll refund all your costs. Why 30 days? Because people who get ACTION fast (i.e. those who read the book) get the best results... fast! And if you do like it, but you've seen or heard the same material somewhere else -meaning it's not EXCLUSIVE, BRAND NEW, REVOLUTIONARY content- I'll also give you back the money you've spent by getting the ebook.

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